Charles Hearn

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hi! I'm Charles, and today is my birthday! Right now I weigh 10 pounds, 5 ounces, and I'm 23 and a half inches long. The nurses at the hospital have taken to calling me "Moose," because of my great mass.

I'm kinda new to this whole "being outside of mommy's tummy" thing, so bear with me while I figure out the internet. Apparently there are boobs online? That's awesome, because I'm kinda thirsty. Anyway, here are some pictures of me! Daddy says they are all clickable if you want to view the original full-size picture.

Here I am at 17 minutes old:

Putting on my first new duds:

Daddy's poking me in the head, I think.

I'm meeting Mommy for the first time!

Next is a picture Daddy took of me from WAY too close so the flash woke me up. It's okay, though; I screamed real loud and Daddy felt bad.

Meeting Grandma for the first time.

And Grandpa too!

And here's Oma:

Me with Oma and Grandma:

And the ever-popular Grumps!

I am the scion of a long line of single sons, apparently. This is a lot of pressure.

Here's me and Daddy, and Grandma making sure Mommy feels okay.

Here I am with Daddy! He's kinda scary, but his voice is oddly familiar.

Here I am with Daddy, Mommy, and Grandma.

And finally, my new family!