Charles Hearn

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

It's been a while 'cause we at Team Hearn are so UNBELIEVABLY busy what with chasing me around to prevent me from bashing my enormous head into things. At least that's what Daddy says. Anyway, he finally found time to help me upload some more pictures, so here they are.

So far, I've taken to walking in short bursts; if I have to get anywhere fast, I find it's best to crawl. I can say things like "Kitty" and "Clock," and, occasionally, "Dirt." Yay!

Here I take a break from abusing Poly the Cat to pose for a quick snap:

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I LOVE swimming!

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I LOVE grinning! Evilly!

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Even when Grumps puts napkins on my head, it doesn't damper my mood.

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Hangin' out with my friend Jenny T:

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Mmmm...sand. That's a quality side dish.

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Working on my Camilo Villegas putting crouch:

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Getting into trouble with my cousin Nathaniel:

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Working on the #1 summer jam of 2008!

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What? Plastic is tasty.

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Mommy and me!

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I LOVE to sing songs with Oma:

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Aunt Kristy has a big bump on her belly. Nobody could satisfactorily explain to me why this is.

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I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE Aunt Kristy's fluffy giraffe. He and I were friends all weekend!

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Grumps and his boys:

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Simon wanted to give me a kiss. I wasn't so sure about the idea. Mommy was pretty grossed out, though, which made it all okay!

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I got to sneak a quick ride on Nathaniel's new tractor (he just turned 2!). Good times!

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